Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pregnancy Update 37 1/2 Weeks

My sister said I needed to update people on my pregnancy. Well, there hasn't been anything to update. I've been measuring right on and there's been nothing exciting to report. However, I just had a doctor's appointment and can now say that I had a 3 cm growth in measurement, 3 pound weight gain (ugh) and the good 1.5 cm dialated. Now, I know this doesn't necessarily mean the baby is coming anytime soon. Last pregnancy it took me 4 hours of labor to progress to 1.5 cm, so it's good and exciting news to me. My cervix is softening a bit. I am not efaced and the baby is still at -3 position and head down. The doctor could feel the head through my cervix. So, for someone with such a long labor last time, 1.5 cm is wonderful.


Melanie said...

Good cookin' Jodi! Can't wait to see this cutie!

The Tulloss Family said...

Yippee - Continuing to pray for you. You must be getting pretty uncomfortable. I think I cried every day the last couple weeks.